

VACHON studio participates in the Amazon Affiliates program, which simply means if you purchase any of the items using links from this website we receive a very small fee as a commission for advertising Amazon’s competitive pricing of these products and services to you. This comes at absolutely no cost to you, and we sincerely hope the content here is providing meaningful guidance in arriving at smart purchasing decisions.


We aren’t here to waste your time or money or to try and sell you bad merchandise.  We only recommend products and services we strongly believe in, have tested, and spend our own hard-earned money on, and put our reputation with clients on the line by putting our faith in these same tools to shoot assignments.  Our participation in affiliate programs does not taint or alter our recommendations in any way.  If anything, it makes us feel an even greater obligation to fellow photographers and creative artists to make sure we get our opinions right.


We only recommend the best and most cost effective products that we know of; tools that are valuable to any budget conscious, professional creative career. Amazon is the best retailer for most if not all of these items, given their unique direct-to-consumer business model and aggressive price-matching.

Other vendors we highly recommend and rely upon for our own purchases are Adorama.com and BHPhotoVideo.com.

Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding any of these policies, thank you!

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